jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of My Academic Year (2009).

This essay will attempt to inform self evaluation of my academic year (2009). Making a auto-evaluation is very positive, since through it is possible to reflect on the work done in all the tasks involved in being a student. Thus, through self-evaluation shows the weaknesses and strengths, and to look for reasons or variable, and possible solutions for the future. Maybe not easy to look at work processes themselves, but whether to make an attempt and be self critical in order to improve. For me it is a work is part of the obligation as a student because that same way we behave when we exercise our profession.

At the beginning of the year I think I was always a bit more relaxed now in all subjects. This happened for two reasons, first because I tend to come to class with a bit of laziness of the summer holidays (in fact it is very difficult to return to the routine) and the other reason is because none of the subjects we were asked many work or tests at the beginning.

As I have always liked me complete the tasks or anything that I intend, I do not like leaving things unfinished or half done. During my university year I think my work was positive by several variables, counting the one described above. Another positive variables that influenced the academic work was supported by the family and especially their words of encouragement when I looked tired. That's why my ratings were good and as in previous years, I have to give any consideration to date. In any case the most important is that considerably increased my knowledge about the specific practices in education. One negative point is that sometimes I leave everything to the last minute, meaning that at times in a week I have accumulated work to deliver and I stress a little only because I can not program well my schedule.

As last thoughts I would say that we can look at these different variables that have made me see the failings of the academic work produced, in my case, just because sometimes I need to put a little more effort in each subject. It would be good for me to make a commitment for next year that includes some information about how best to organize to commit time and respect those times.

An important topic then is the organization for success in any activity, in this case, are studies that require an obligation either to oneself as the people around us and help in this task.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Improving your Faculty Facilities

The actual situation in my faculty is a little unfavorable to me. Many important things (that I use every day) need some improvement because are basics thing for to be comfortable in any place for any student, for example the cafeteria is so expensive, the classrooms are very small and central heating don`t operate as apropiate in there, the library is so noisy and specially I would like some benchs out side. So for all this I determined don´t buy in this place and make it in others faculty, I go to study to Philosophy Faculty because is more quiet and nice, but with the central heating problem I couldn´t do nothing because the system is so old.
Firstly I would like replace management in the cafeteria, because they most be conscious with the prices because they are in a University and not in mall. Second place I would build a special place for reed with out noise, with comfortable armchair and right central heating. I thing that the solution is a new place because to change the habits of the thousand students is impossible.
With this littles improvement we would have big changes for to improvement the day in the Faculty, we wolud be more comfy and always near, we wouldn´t have to go out for obtain that we need.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009



Non education measure

Once again the education as public service suffers the consequences of a bad negotiations and bad administration. Thousands of schools in Hawaii have been closed on Friday for the economic recession. The drastic measure to consider that one of the solutions is to close schools like a form to save others publics services. The agreement to consider paying less to the teachers is a big form to take care the states`s money that to support Hawaii. But the government don`t consider thousands familys and childrens affect with this types measures. I think measures like this have many concequences but the politics don`t see it because are long term. One less day to study on week is a time valuable to lose, so I agree with the parents`s protest and specially with all the people poor of this state, because they don`t have the oportunity to pay private schools. With this types of situations I ask me if a country like US has so much power, why are they take dessition so stupid. Anybody is capacity to see the public services demand more atention that anything, because only form to take care people in desventage. Not even in Chile is so drastic!

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election Day

I`m not registered to vote because I thing I am misinformed and I consider that the vote must be responsible. I`m not yet ready, but this year I was determined to registered me to vote, but I decide to much later and I don´t get to last day.
The actual electoral campaigns for me is important but I been see that some presidential candidate don´t answer clearly in debates, and they answer they want, so the interesting topics is not tackle by them.
I think the presidential candidate must have determination and humility to see true society problems; also he/she must have enough knowledge to put into practice the solution for these problems. A future president must be a strong person but specially empathy with people and to be able to give them fast solutions.
I don´t ever consider to be politician because is a complicated topic and requires much commitment and dedication. I think politic is a vocation and requires a deep social motivation.
If I had the chance of to work in ministry of the government I would like do it in Transporter Ministry because I would like to restructure the Transantiago that has been a big disaster for conidian people life, it was rude and would be a form to give back respect to people.
Five of the immediate problems in our country that I think require an inmediate solution are: public health, public transport, unemployed, decent salary and decent housing.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

The capital punishment, in my opinion, is not a good solution to reduce criminality for many reasons. Firstly, I think this type of sentence is very drastic and is opposite to human rights. Also I know some crimes are unpardonable for some peoples like murders, rapes or anything crime to childrens, but we don´t have the right to decide who lives and who dies.
Secondly, and for the seem reason, I am against the capital punishment so I have only cons in it because to decide the criterions for to impose this penalty should be difficult and each people should have their reasons in agree with their principles and as I saw before I think capital punishment is complete excessive because don´t gives second oportunity to person that to make crime.
In agree with my principles I shouldn´t impose the capital punishment but the government should implement rehabilitation programs into the jail as well precaution programs in the street and neighbourhoods. I think the origin of the increasing criminality generate by the flexible laws in this country and the punishments are slow, and the criminals to make again and again.
The last week I was victim of a pick pocketing in bus to home, but I didn´t realize.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

What to do/where to go in Santiago

In Santiago there are many things to do at nigth and the day, just for adults or all family, but the most important thing is that all you do will be fun!
If you want to go out in the night you could go to Barrio Bellavista for a beer or others drinks with friends or in there to meet people, to dance and to talk a lot.
If you want to go out during the day you could visit some tipical places like San Cristobal hill, Santa Lucía hill , the Cathedral, Presidential House (La Moneda) and to walk down Santiago downtown where you will find many stores and street market.
In the next list you will find a program with five places for all seasons:
1- Yerba Loca camping: this place is a nature reserve of Chile. This place is suitable for the winter and the principal activity is trekking because in all track there are different landscapes, but the best attraction is to come to the glacier area, one of the best places to do climb on ice in Santiago.
2- Municipal Theater of Santiago: in this place you could enjoy of different musical plays, concert and a big theater with a lot of history. There you could watch the best national and international premiere.
3- Fantasilandia: is a big amusing park for the family and you could go the whole year but it is advisable in spring because it is open air and in Chile the summer is very very hot.
4- Santa Lucía Hill: this hill is so famous because it is in the middle of the city and you can to see all the landscapes and the highest buildings. To arrive you have to walk up through a big stone stairway. You can visit the hill whole year.
5- Municipal Cementery: this place can be visited the whole year but the best attraction is at nigths in winter, because a guard to do a tour for the most terrifying passages. Also you can visit the cementery during the day to appreciate the old and famous tombs.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009


My school is called "Liceo Santa Teresita de Llo-Lleo", its orientation is Catholic and is just for girls I attended this school for all years.
My school was very traditional, even now I realize there are many things that did not work either, because now I see from the perspective that gives me my career to be studying. For example, the most important subjects were math and language were first, then History and English, but as was religious also used many hours a week in prayer, Mary Month, classes in the chapel, we also went to church which was very close, etc. That really was not the problem but it was as if time was lost and should be compensated as there was no time for feedback to teachers, more time to clarify doubts, and so on.
The relationship with teachers was very remote, they were an authority and had to keep aloof. Some teachers were the exception (I remember only one person) and some assistants and inspectors were much more friendly and accessible.
The technology in my school was good as the infrastructure, the rooms were large and had a TV in each classroom with closed circuit, there was datashow in other place and was special.
I think the level of education I received at school was not very level and would have liked more guidance on some things, though good student teachers are not motivated very much and so it took me so long to decide what he wanted to study. I think the good decisions I took my family through. I think that the school affects almost all areas of life, personally affected me so much of my future.
The current educational system is affected mainly by lack of resources and preparation of teachers. Comparing the private system with the public system we see that in the former takes into account various aspects and not just subjects. for example relationships, the environment and the active role of the student. This last point is extremely important because it engages the student with their own education, there is participation and responsibility for results, self-assessments and getting better and better.
I had never heard the phrase "When the student is ready the teacher appears" and I think it is a bit difficult to understand, but I guess that means that the student can master the same skills, if he is guided in a good way .

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago: Before and after

In this moment the public transport in Santiago is called Transantiago. When Transantiago hadn`t started yet the people were frigthened and distrustful because on the news everybody saw that all routes were going to change. When this new system officially started the people were angry because they didn`t know what bus to take.
The Transantiago is not very difficult to me because I live in center of city, so I take the bus when I going to the university. I always use the subway or my boyfriend`s bike.
Two years ago I lived in Pedro Aguirre Cerda and I used this system for first time when just been started. I remember the full buses, anybody paid the fare and only some people had the BIP card. This place of the city is very far of center and far of the university, so I woke up very early and I had wait for many minutes or one hour for take the bus, because it was few and all the people didn`t fit in there.
One of the better things is there are less stils because we don`t need to bring to much money in bags, also is more clean, pleasant and pollute less . The big problem to me now is that the Transantiago is very slow. The pre-transantiago was more fast but there was more delinquency.
One of the changes that I would made is put more buses and more routes because the system useless to so many people.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit many Europe`s countries, but my favorite is Italy because its monuments are beautiful but especially because they are very amazing, apart from the gastronomy and the culture.

Italy is famous for its art, culture and numerous monuments, including the tower of Pisa and the Roman Colosseum, as well as for its cuisine (Italian dishes are the famous pizza and pasta), wine, lifestyle, painting , design, film, theater, literature and music, particularly opera.

Italy is a very homogeneous country in religion and language, but is diverse culturally, economically and politically. Italy has the fifth highest population density in Europe, with an average of 198 persons per square kilometer.
If I travel to Italy I would only go as a tourist, because all the famous places and meet many people, practice the language. It would be for a short time and I would not change Chile as a place to live.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

First Term: Good and Bad Points

The first term 2009 was very easy to me. Firstly the courses that I took were only the obligatory ones. In the first year I passed one sport that was Pilates, so in the first term I didn’t take any, but now in the second term I´m going to take Aikido.

The relevant things that I learnt in the courses were interesting points about the evaluations in classes for preschool and elementary school children, or in general all the processes involved in the evaluative test and its real importance. Another relevant thing that I could learn is the relation between the education and the area where learning process occurs, so I could prepare the best environment as in the real life. The teachers that I liked were Rodrigo Sanchez and Juan Gonzalez because their courses were about reflection and the education for society and the importance of the context for the education to be possible.

I had to face little bit challenges in the classes because the methodology was the same and I like to study, but in the practice I had some difficulties because I didn´t know how make a good class spontaneously, not yet. So, I and my friends made a plan and then we made the class without important problems. We made two classes and the teacher was happy because she saw everything and she liked it. The children enjoyed it and learnt because we used fingers theatre and then show them a power point with photos of Chile.


miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

My blogging experience

Use a blog for me is all new, never even had a website a blog, had not left a comment on someone's blog.
When the teacher indicated that he would use a blog for this course, the question came to me was what is the use of the blog? did not know at that time worked as a communications network, and unless it is a good form of assessment. Using technology or working from home to benefit from a course I feel great, as it reinforces what they learned and practiced more.
Having learned to use a blog I found interesting and modern, as it is possible to express and discuss any topic. Unlike other networks such as facebook or messenger, the blog is more personal, because not everyone has access to information for the person who created the blog.
As I said before I liked the idea of using a blog as a form of assessment, particularly in English that requires further effort, more dedication and practice.

My ideal job

To finish the career and have my title as an educator, I would like to work in a nursery school, specifically in the room where the babies are smaller or infants, and even up to 2 years.
For such an ideal would be a good place to take the space and materials needed to work with children. For example I would like the room was large for each of the children could move freely. another important thing is that the furniture in the room are adequate for its size, shelves, beds, toys, toilets, etc.
With respect to work material, the ideal is that every child has to work and experiment with, for example it would be good to have sficientes books, pencils, sheets for drawing, plasticine, etc.
Finally I would like to work with little children, only 20 or whether it may be less, because that would be more personalized. I also wish my boss would give me enough freedom to plan lessons and ambitious novel.

lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

One of my favorite subjects was the last year, I never had clear as it was, but I preferred to tell the History of Chile. The teacher made classes are Gabriel Salazar, so I could learn a lot about everything and even more enthusiasm with what the story is important for the country as well as people in particular. See the story from the perspective of people who lived in the same time, their experiences and continue telling the stories. The course was able to open an eye out for what the school provides as important to know about the story. Thinking beyond the story of heroes and important dates, can have broad prospects in terms of the reality of today, thinking about the future as a possible consequence of past and present.
Apart from the above was an honor to have lessons with a teacher and writer in the area recognized as Tato in Chile and abroad.

Ken Robinson

The exhibition conducted by Mr. Robinson begins with a joke about the enthusiasm of the audience when he appears. The major theme in this conference, according to Mr Robinson, is to speak of human creativity. During his speech shows how important education is and what is deep about it, for education is unpredictable and that times are changing and uncertain future in regard to what will be the education later and he shows also that this is because children (and people in general) have an immense capacity to innovate.
The latter topic is one that really matters in this conference, namely the role of education in children's creativity, or rather how the school misses the conditions of the students. Then to continue the theme, Mr. Robinson has some related anegdotas creativity and repidéz in the response of children. Also say they are not afraid to make mistakes, which creates a way to be original. The main problem is that schools shape and limit the creativity of children, because they teach the same subjects ranked in the world, namely mathematics and language, and only the final art. especially in its body expression.
One of the proposals made by Mr Robinson is to realize that intelligence is diverse, dynamic and distinctive so that man may have many ideas and yet original.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My future

After finishing my career, I plan to work one year and studied english and another language, not yet decided, at the same time. After that I want to go to England six months to practice my English, on a trip that I will give my sister when I was entitled.
One of the languages that I would like to study German or French is, in reality it all depends on what the job market requires at the time.
Then I would like to continue working and studying psychology which is what I've always liked.
Turning to other issues, the idea obviously is to work to live in a stable way and if that is what I like best, but what I care most is a family. It is a life project.
After starting a family I would go and live in a city in southern Chile and continue working for the people.
I hope that everything is as before.

Paulo Freire

Paulo Reglus Neves Freire, was a Brazilian educator and influential theorist of education. He was born on September 19, 1921. Freire enrolled at the University of Recife in 1943, the Faculty of Law, where he studied philosophy and psychology of language at the same time.
In 1961 he was appointed director of the Department of Cultural Extension of Recife University, and in 1962 took the first opportunity to apply their theories in a meaningful way when they were taught to read and write to 300 workers in sugarcane plantations in such only 45 days.
In 1964 a military coup ended the project: Freire was imprisoned as a traitor for 70 days. After a brief exile in Bolivia, Freire worked in Chile during five years for the Christian Democratic Movement for Agrarian Reform and the Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
In 1967, Freire published his first book, Education as practice of freedom. The book was well received, and was offered the post of visiting professor at Harvard University in 1969. The previous year, wrote his famous book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, published in English and in Spanish in 1970. Due to the political conflict between the successive military dictatorships and authoritarian socialist Christian Freire, the book was not published in Brazil until 1974, when General Ernesto Geisel of Brazil took control and began the process of cultural liberation.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The Career

The career of Educacion Parvularia y Basica Inicial in the University of Chile, is a career of pedagogy of specialist in education of the early infancy. The especific work could be called Nursery Education or Kindergarten teacher. The duration of the carrer is five years.
One of the aims in this university is to solve the problems that the transition implies to the basic education. Currently in schools there is a separation between the kindergarten and the basic stage. This separation relates to content, the treatment given to them and especially how to teach that it is less flexible. On having obtained the educator´s professional degree we will be qualified to work with children from 0 to 8 years old.
Then I decided postulate to the career because I wanted to move into second year but I didn´t because I realized that the psychology here at all times and also working directly with people. In reaching this decision with the support of my elder sister who also studied the same at the Catholic University and is currently working experience and has served me to much.
Therefore one of the things I love about career is the blending of different disciplines in education. This is why the career is within the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Beautiful photography

In this photograph is my first nephew is called Alonso Barrios and has 6 months of age. I think it was done three weeks ago, the photo was taken at my house in San Antonio.

When he was born one of the best moments of my life and I chose this picture because every time I see makes me happy . Alonso in this photo is very happy and posing for the camera as always jajaja.

Besides the photography is beautiful in itself because it is very colorful. This is one of the photographs that I see it more beause he is live in San Antonio and I see him on the weekends and that's why I got it as wallpaper on my computer. As I said before he loves to pose for the camera so it cost me a choice, I must say that they were all very nice jaja!! and I have many.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is a laptop. I got it three years ago. First it was of my sister and she giveme it because I needed it for the works of the university. Now I got it because I use it in the university but I use it for my personal life too and this is more important to me. I am connecting in internet almost all day for see the e-mail and send somes to my boyfriend and my best friend, because they are connnect too all day but in yours works, this form is more inexpensive that make a call phone and we are speaking all day about important things and other no much. I hear music, I keep my photos, I revise my facebook and I download some books on line.
My life without my laptop would be more clutter and maybe I been misinform, but I think that my life would be more boring in the free times.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My last Vacation

In my last vacation I went to house's mom of my best friend. In the house was her little brother too, because it was summer then everybody were in vacations. I remember that I was two complete weeks and the climate was very diversify, there were sun and rain, so we couldn't go out every days and I thougth that I should buy a jacket for the cold days.
I went with my best friend Fernanda and we travleled in a bus at night. We took seven hours to arrive, so we arrived in the morning.
In there I went to the beach in the hot days and I swam a little time, I visited "Parque de Lota" with the friend's cousin and I took a lot of photos, because we could to see all the city from there, but, we couldn`t go to the mines because my friend didn't want. In the house I spent time with the family for to know each other. Other thing that I did there was slept and to rest.
The moment I will never forget it was when we were in the beach because normaly I dont´t like the beach, it scare me, but this days the sea was very calm, I could sunbathe and knew some people.
I think that I will come back because is a magic place for relax.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

My best friend

My best friend is called Maria Fernanda and is 23 years old, one less than I. I met her in a summer work 6 years ago.When I met her I knew that she was a special and very nice person.
We knew ourselves because a friend of her would want to know me but he could not to speaking me because he is shy.The good thing of it is that never knew very well to this friend but our friendship it continues.
I remember when we went away in the southern part in the vacations because the we wanted to escape of Santiago and of some persons. There we pass it very well and decide to be call it a spiritual retirement (jajaja).
If I could give her something it would be tranquility and all my support forever, because always we say that it is the only thing that we lack, to part of money jajaja!

My life now

Hello, my name is Macarena Santander,but I prefer that you call me just Maca. I am 24 year old... yes I am the most older of the course!!!
Nowadays I live in Santiago for the studies, but almost all the weekends I go away to San Antonio to seeing to my dads and all my family. I have a sister that I consider to be my best friend and now that had her first baby I love her so much everyday.
Finally I want to tell you that I am giving a preety dog so if somebody have a big yard and love the animals write me!